Benefits of AI-driven learning platform in engineering education context


  • Nur Ayuni Shamsul Bahri*ᵃᵇ, Nur Batrisya Anuarᵃ, Amirah Atikah Sah Azmiᵃ, Nurzal Effiyana binti Ghazaliᵇ, Umi Salmah Mihadᶜ ᵃRazak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, ᵇCenter for Engineering Education, Univerisiti Teknologi Malaysia, ᶜSchool of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


artificial intelligence , engineering education , thematic analysis


The AI-driven learning platform acts as a virtual educator in the field of engineering, allowing it to tailor each student's experience for maximum effectiveness. Future engineers across various disciplines will need to possess the crucial skill of effectively utilizing AI tools. This competence will enable them to promote excellence, innovation, sustainability, and productivity in their professional endeavours. Therefore, this study sought to examine the main benefits of AI-driven learning platforms in engineering education context. It explored the benefits of AI in transforming traditional education, how it adapted to individual learner needs, and how it influenced the role of educators.


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How to Cite

Nur Ayuni Shamsul Bahri*ᵃᵇ, Nur Batrisya Anuarᵃ, Amirah Atikah Sah Azmiᵃ, Nurzal Effiyana binti Ghazaliᵇ, Umi Salmah Mihadᶜ. (2023). Benefits of AI-driven learning platform in engineering education context . International Research Journal on Innovations in Engineering, Science and Technology, 9, 32–35. Retrieved from



Research Paper